Friday, January 20, 2023


 The holy spirit said to me 2008 is the year of kingdom influence.Everybody say influence, this is in my heart like a loaded gun,this is the year where less talk and more action.This is the year of no more pretending to be in the kingdom.But demonstrating the kingdom so here's what i want you to focus on;tonight write this down 'how to become an influence',i am speaking from authority tonight i know exactly what i'm talking about so listen to me young pple,how do you become an influence ,we want to focus tonight on understanding the secret to influencing your world.I have thousands of photographs taken of me and sometimes people look at those photographs and they don't even know who i am.Photographs with prime ministers and presidents and kings and queens of countries and multi-millionaires and billionaires and blacks and whites and asians and chinese and jews and and people don't know that i was born in a little house my father's here stand up daddy this is my 84 year old father my 84 young old father i better correct that.Give him a hand it's my handsome daddy my father had 11 children most of them are in this room tonight and we were born in a very humble area called beige town and we knew what it was to struggle and not have much but we had a great heritage in God.

 My parents taught us to trust God  and have faith in God and i thank daddy again for that you and mom did a great job instilling faith in us and i will never forget my father is my number one hero and my spiritual mentor.I was born and we used to sleep in the back room they call it the back room and the back room is where the boys slept it was called the back room because you know you had to find a spot on the floor and we slept on mattress on the floor sometimes you know a sheet to keep the mosquitoes from us and they gave us the best they could.I never thought the day would come that i would be advising governments and speaking on the telephone to presidents of countries who call me how do you become an influence  how do you rise from the floor.Soometimes people think ,,oh you're a special person that's why,, that's not true.I believe there is what i call a divine imperative write it down here it is...Every human being was created by God to be an influence on earth,, every human being most of them die and never influence their neighborhood second imperative influence simply means to dominate in life.Anyonewho has influence is simply a person who is dominating an environment that they are in they they have this force that comes with their life that  make people listen to them or make people respect them or make people believe them all of us are influenced by somebody.

In other words those persons have dominion write this down whoever dominates an area of life will have influence on planet earth if you look at all the influential people i'm not talking about just the famous because some of them influential they're just famous don't confuse fame with influence fame is like a flame it goes out.Influence is what lasts even after you're dead.Case in point ana nicole has no influence anymore,,, flame gone. Marilyn monroe has no influence anymore this is not influence that'sfame.Influence means that your life has so much dominion that even death can't destroy it like martin luther king.There'sa difference between anna nicole and martin luther king,, ain't no streets named after anna nicole listen to me please .

You are too old to not be influenced next year you are too old to not believe to start being influential in your life you are too old you got to catch up write this statement down please you will place in time to influence your generation that's why God took you out of eternity and put you in a body because he wanted earth to be influenced by you and we confuse influence with popularity.

Not everyone who is popular will be influential as a matter of fact the word popular is from the root word population which means that the population likes you for a while and then they'll crucify you later.Influential people are not necessarily popular they are impactful Jesus Christ was not popular but we can't get rid of it. He was influential i put it to you then that we have to learn what is influence

here is a statement made by jesus christ concerning you and me who are in the kingdom concerning influence he said these words in matthew 13 verse 33 he told them another parable it says and here's the parable he says the kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman put in a large amount of dough and it worked its way into the dough until all of the lump was full of yeast.This statement is about influence everybody's influence god sent you to earth to be an influence just like yeast influences doe you were not born just to exist you were born to make a difference and born to make an impact and i am convinced that god has had it up to here with people just treading water.God is saying i want you to be an impact an influence in the earth i put it to you that god put you in time so that you could make this influence every time a year begins to change.Everybody begins to think of this concept of time and just a few things about time i'd like to say because the passing of a year is the marking of time time is defined as an interruption in eternity now god doesn't live in time but he put us in it.And god put us in time because it is very difficult to live in eternity.

I thank God i live in time let me tell you why because whatever is in eternity lasts forever so if you ever had a headache in eternity how about an eternity with a divorce the pain forever thank God that marriage is only for earth Jesus said that in the afterlife there's neither marriages nor giving in.Marriages give God a hand for that something to thank god for that lord have mercy i know you love your wife and love your husband but boy try to live with them for eternity you need relief after a thousand years write this down please God lives in eternity and eternity is time without measure and therefore we were placed in time for a purpose to fulfill purpose and that purpose is to give meaning to our lives we were sent here to make an impact to make a difference i didn't realize that until i began to study the bible as a teenager i'm not special or unique i just discovered something and i want to show you what i discovered tonight so that the next 12 months you will begin to work on what i discovered so you could discover it i put it to you that you were born to influence time and you don't need to live long to influence the planet.Think about the oldest man that ever lived his name is methuselah the bible says one verse about him it says Methuselah  lived to be 930 years and then he died 969 years rather and then he died that's all we know about the guy he died.Jesus lived to be 33 and a half years old and then he died we can't remember Methuselah but we can't forget jesus age therefore is not a measure of impact.I put it to you then that god gave us time so we can live life in what i call phases God gave you a year at a time a month at a time a week at a time and a day at a time so you can live life in doses i love the way the psalmist david said David says this is the day not the month the day the lord has made i will rejoice in it the day what have you done with your last 10 days that have moved you forward in your purpose how have you spent your time the last 24 hours and how did that contribute to your progress of your passion and your dream.He gives us life in phases purpose is placed in phases because you were never given birth to attach yourself to a face let me tell you something i thank God for years because you can now look back and say someone died ten years ago or i had a failure in this area five years ago thank God for years years pushes things back years delivers you from the memory and the pain of things thank god for time please don't be attached to phases.

Write this down please never let a phase define you you know right now you're single you ain't married well that's on your face don't get attached to that and when you get married you gotta shift from their face now you can't go with the friends anymore you used to go to anytime you feel like no more and now you can't fast for a week because now you gotta cook for your spouse or eat with your spouse you see the face you gotta be you gotta be able to be free from phases God has given you a new year to set you free from the old year.Write this down each phase prepares you for the succeeding phase every year that god gives us we're supposed to be preparation for the next one the problem is if you didn't know what you were supposed to do in the year that you had then you are going into the next one unprepared or ill-prepared that's why god gave you the capacity to think and to plan i put it to you that you must enjoy your face but never become your face.

Some of you got a good job now let me tell you something you ain't know what happened to that company in 2008 so don't get attached to your job nor your title and if you find your value in your title you are in trouble live with your faces loosely i am so conscious of my face.Write this down please your faces are still ahead of you the best ones okay so you might have lost your business that's no problem there are probably some greater businesses ahead of you maybe you lost some clients no problem,there's some clients on the way in 208 that can triple your income don't ever allow the past phases to interfere with the future phases.

I can't wait to wait to meet the people i'm supposed to meet in 208 and some of them are coming loaded but i got to be prepared with the vision for them to pay for it.There's a part everyone must play in life please, write this down no phase is forever say it loud..say it again some of you are having a good time right you had a good 208 okay 207 sorry you had a good 207.I'll never forget some advice that was given to me by one of my greatest mentors in life all Roberts he said to us in a private meeting he said son expect the best and prepare for the worst that means have a good attitude but don't be stupid.

Whatever you're going through right now i guarantee will not last that includes the bad times and the good times.There's a time when your business was up and everybody was happy profits and in 2007 it feel like every demon in hell attack your business and you uh you're going into two or eight in the red and the purple you thinking god should i fold up god said no hang on to it there going to be a change in the next phase that's going to triple your income compared to what you had in 2002 there's just a phase some of your marriages went through hell and some of them still hanging on to hell God said don't you get a divorce  the faith is going to change she gonna catch herself in February he's gonna get himself anointed from the HOLY Ghost in June.

Don't leave him yet i'm gonna make him a preacher don't be attached to phases i have come to understand that everything is just a season oh please remember this long as you live.Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 says to everything there is what a season unto every purpose there is a time to everything there is a season how many things got a season how many things got a season what got a season everything got what how many things got a season how many things this is very serious.Thatmeans if you've got a lot of money now that's a season.So what you do when you get a lot of money is you give a lot plant a lot of seed so that when your lean time comes you got a harvest come from somewhere....

Be generous in your hard times and in your good times so you could survive the drought of life everything is a season relationships go through seasons everything your job is doing good right now 208 was a good time on your job everybody get promoted you was happy praise the lord wait till 208 every demon on your job show up and you gotta handle the season.What i love about that verse is that nothing lasts claude have boise give God a big hand man that's hope man that's hope praise God that's hope.So right now you got a mortgage that's a season give god a big hand for that one praise,God there's gonna be a time when you're gonna be able to burn that note and run around the whole block shouting free at last free at last great God almighty.Iit'sa face ecclesiastics chapter 10 verse 11 says verse 10 says i have seen the burden god placed on man what's this burden he makes everything perfect in its time there's a time for you to mature in every area and the timing is set by God.Itsays he also has placed in the heart of man eternity and yet they cannot fathom understand what god has done from the beginning to the end.

We live in a in a continuum of time and don't don't understand the phases i want to recommend something to you watch your past please it's dangerous.You are about to say goodbye to a past please let it go the past is a portion of your future it is not your future i put it another way the past is dead except for the life you give it you can keep resurrecting 207 and not let it die people who hurt you ,,,things that didn't work goals you didn't achieve places that you didn't go to people who didn't treat you right God doesn't want you to take that into 208.

Your past is as alive as the life you give it i put it another way you cannot go to your future if you live in your past and therefore you cannot change the past but you could plan your future this is the moment in time when most people are thinking about what am i going to do this is a great night to be here i'm.Goingto give you some good advice the future gives hope to the past that's why i only use the past for educational reference it is never my habitation everybody makes mistakes everybody fails everybody falls everybody somehow doesn't seem to achieve everything but you don't live in that learn how to let the past go because the past can become a weight.Philippians chapter 3 verse 12 says these words it says not that i have achieved or obtained all that i want to or have already been made perfect but i press on to take hold of that for which christ jesus took hold of me brothers i do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it but one thing i do paul the apostle says i what forget the past forgetting what is behind straining toward what's ahead of me i press toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heaven wood in christ you have not done everything you want to do yet and maybe there's some memories you love to forget.Wellforget them and move on and achieve greatness there are some people you need to forget i'm gonna say this again because somebody need this there are some people you need to forget and leave them in 207 and go on your own and learn some new people. I trust your heart will hear this i call it the power of your future,your future is not ahead of you is trapped within you and this is why your future has very little to do with other people in the sense that you don't get your future from them you are like a seed you possess your future now in every mango seed there's a mango tree the mango tree's future is in the mango seed.So God has made you the same way your future is in you and you are taking it into the next year and therefore i put it to you that God  is committed to the future he placed in your present this is why i have so much confidence in my life when things don't even look like they're working i'm always at peace because God's commitment to me,,,

Is what keeps me full of hope and faith god is committed to the vision he put in your life and therefore whether other people help you or not god will be your helper,,,oh hallelujah your future is more important than your past and therefore your future is more valuable than your past let's look back learn some lessons close the door let's go forward your future is more important than your past and that is why jesus died to forgive you not to reclaim your past but to protect your future he forgives your past he don't even use he just forgives it and forgets it but it's your future that he came to redeem and that's why you must come to christ tonight and give your life to christ tonight not because you want to become   religious person and go to some religious organization you want to come back to god because he deposited in you a future that only he could bring to pass.I am so excited about my life my future is secure in the one who gave me the deposit.My boldness is just getting started 208 i'm gonna be a reckless man,i'm gonna believe for so many big things that i started my life because God has been my helper.

I put it to you he will be your helper too as he would be your helper too i say he will be your help or two God's gonna help you through things you cannot go through by yourself.Hallelujah your future is concealed just like a tree is concealed in the seed look at isaiah 46 i love this verse i'll never forget it god's speaking he says i am God and there's no other i am god there's none like me why because i'm the only god who makes known the end from the beginning in other words i tell you what is yet to come.

Even before it comes i place your pass into my past in other words your future is god's past god's already finished he started with the end and then began after he ended look at that verse he says he placed the end before the beginning god's not wondering about your future god's already been in 2010 and knows exactly what's going to happen to you that's why he knows your months i am so secure in him i call it the race to the end how do you get to the end that god already finished inside of your life well the most important thing in life on earth is to make it to your future and a lot of people won't make it to their future the race to your future is a marathon not a sprint.

Tell your neighbor slow down let me tell you something if you try to speed up god's program for your life you will short circuit and cause premature birth take your time and keep moving.Youdon't ever want to be ahead of god but you don't want to be behind him so far that you lose sight of him here's what the bible says about it i like this in egyptian 9 11 it says i have seen something else under the sun the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong but to those who endure what to the end your future,,and your success is related to god's success.Óneof the things that made me bold as a young man was this when i discovered that if i fail it's bad for God i'm gonna say it again if i fail, it's bad for god's reputation so i have come to understand like moses told god many times.He said god be it far from you to do such a thing for you told the people that we are your people in other words our success is tied to your reputation god you have to help me succeed so you're going to embarrass yourself.You know what i mean most people think that if i fail i'm going to embarrass myself no you go god says no this is about me you will succeed in 2008 because God will protect his name.Oh listen to me his plans for you already finished merry christmas and happy new year.Write this down God's plan for you to succeed he's already planned for it your success determines his success i have come to appreciate jeremiah 29 verse 10 and 11 it says for i know the plans i have for you plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future.God has a plan for your future and a plan to make sure that you get there you are not just a baby born wandering through the earth and this is why,, when a young person doesn't know God's plan for their lives they waste their energy and their time in areas that are not helpful i suggest that the key to the future is trapped inside of God ladies and gentlemen. 

Ephesians 1 verse 11 is one of the most powerful verses in my life when i was a teenager i read this verse,, over and over again and it changed my thinking it says in verse 11 in him we were also chosen and being predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything to conform with the purpose of his will




 The holy spirit said to me 2008 is the year of kingdom influence.Everybody say influence, this is in my heart like a loaded gun,this is the...