Tuesday, January 17, 2023

How Do Kenyan Bloggers Get Paid? Getting Paid From Day One


Darlings and Welcome To Work From

home Kenya today

or this week next week we are focusing

on answering the question

on blogging because this one was 

highly requested video.

I kept putting it in the back banne

saying ,maybe yeah i'll do it next week and also

topics like airbnb starting the pillo

business starting a tailoring business

those questions are also highly


on my emails 

today we are going to talk about

monetizing a blog

monetizing; monetizing whatever you want

to call it.

So the first  way or how do

bloggers get paid that's the first

question that people ask how am i goin

to get

paid as a blogger the first way to

getting paid as a blogger is of course

via affiliate marketing the most

recognized the easiest way

you build traffic then you start

recommending products from Amazon

according to your nich

so for example if you chose the making

money online in kenya there are topic

that you can

talk about that are literally no

related to making money online that

are related to productivity

for example 

for example standing

desks you can always recommend standing 

desks with

people and then you add your own

affiliate link 

this means that you have to have good 

traffic or

high traffic on your blog for you to 

reach that place or 

to achieve that .So u

with affiliate marketing we are going to 

explore deeper into it

because people are still asking

questions about affiliate marketing,

e-commerce dropshipping blogging

virtual assistant so many question

are coming up i was almost confused.

So the second way but now 

found direction and we are going to go 

from that

i build up on these topics so we move 

from this 

we go  from blogging then to the next 

topic we explore each and every topic

in depth if you still have any question

you ask

via email or you can always ask in through

comment section down below 

then you can also ask the questions 

on the blog at kenyarreview.net as well.

So there is also affiliate marketing o

course the first way of monetizing 

blog that is known to all blogger

or almost all bloggers even the


the advanced, the beginner bloggers , the 

second one i

ads you can sell ads to companies fo


the biggest richest uh blogger

in africa not in the world i

africa she's linda akg she's she alway


advertisements to companies for example

you sell ad spaces for companies like 


for the betting companies for an


they place ads on your site whe

you want to win with uh private

advertisements for 

from companies like this my darlings 

have to 

lots and lots of traffic and you also

have to show

to the company how much traffic you are


for example i'm almost at 50

a month for some companies that's little

for some companies that's a low

so it also depends and when a company 

approaches you 

to place an ad on your blo

that's money right there you can

literally as

for up to a billion because this is 

company and then they pay you sign

papers and

that's how she became rich but we are

going to dispel that myth we are going 

to remove her from the seat of the

richest blogger very soon

if you follow ,if we all follow this

because the more i researched about thi

this is my second time researching abou

blogging the more i learned

and the more i became fired up the third

way o

monetizing a blog is of course selling


this one is a very good strategy you can

actually star

a blog talking about ebooks ho

like the kindle publishing i think w

talked about that on

in the niches and also selling course

so the more popular your blog is fo

example the

more i create videos about how to make

money online

the more i get questions about help m

start my business

can you please do you consult o

starting businesses

you know that's a course right there

so there is also selling digita


We are also going to dive deeper int

each and each

and each of these specific topic

but we have already talked about digita

products the printable

there is selling coaching service


uh sponsored ads or sponsorship this i

like the influencers you create content

or a company approaches you as you hav

said they pay yo

to maybe advertise the pencil and yo

write good reviews about the

this is a little bit confusing for m


i don't want to cheat my subscribers 

my follower

or my likes my likas so i think i'

going to be brutal and sometimes that

can hurt 

a company's reputation so you can also

become a freelance writer or blogger s

if you do this 

very well like writing your blog very 


putting it on the radar putting it u

there you can also offe

your services as a freelance blogger and 


someone approaches you to do something 

one-on-one custom job for them 

this is where you charge your work you 

do not 

undercharge you literally over charge

yes i said it so there is also launching

a membership

site creating a podcast accepting


think you've seen youtubers asking fo

patreon contribution

on the blog you can also ask for the

patreon contribution and the PayPal


then the selling of leads and thi

this one if you are doing uh for example

the making money online

and then you also have people.

One of your of your subscribers or a lo

of your follower

followers are asking for standing desk

you can partner

with companies that are talking about 


standing desks and their company pay

you money 

that's how you sell leads and lead


This actually big business i see people

making billions in kenya shilling

in their in their countries of course

dollars if you convert into hours i


payers from generating leads and you


can help you generate leads so i

someone cheated you that

google adsense is the only way of makin

money with your blo

they lied then there is also creating

a job board this one was one of m

dreams until i decided let m

focus on growing the traffic and al

that before i create a job board 

know how people are struggling to fin

jobs and this one would be a helpful


i am a sleuth self-confessed

and then there is also opening a


shop this one is where you sell the

match an

selling your blog of course after

working all this tim

you can sell your blog make sure that

your blog is in the top 10 most

required most uh traffic

uh you know people are coming people are

fighting for that

blog domain name don't sell your blo

before it reaches that

level of success and before you also

sell your blog 

we are also going to talk about or

are also

going to have this thing of the domain


we are going to talk about everything o

the next topic of how t

start a blog so you can become a

influencer i've seen a lot o

fashionistas becoming fashion

fashion influencers through their blog

i do not know why some of these trend

are not in the kenyan market yet an

this is how i start telling myself

there is a lot of money lying down i

the kenyan market

we are sleeping as the babies of thi


we are sleeping so there is also

charging to read 

i don't like charging anyone information

to read 

but if this is your forte kindly go fo


i get so incensed when 

i'm clicking on a content it's so firing

up and then they tell m

uh pay for dollars to read this article

for the next three months or to access

our articles for three months those are

the big blocks they have nothing to los

so but approach this with a lot o


then there is also or unless you'r

selling some exclusive content

that people are dying to access but i

one of these blogs stops me fro

accessing the information maybe it was 

gossip about a celebrity

i have nothing to lose i click on the

next tabloid

so there is also selling WordPress

themes or plugin

if you are a developer if you are goo

with coding programming this is for yo

then the last one of course

is creating a webinar this is a we

seminar some people call it virtua


some people call it a seminar a zoo

conference whatever you want to call i

but this is also another wa

of presenting your content your blo


you are literally killing one bug wit

many stones you are a blogger that is a

affiliate marketer

you work with ad companies you sel

ebooks you sell courses and sell digita


see all these 20 ways of making mone

with your blog and you started that blo

as one and it's giving you incomes fro

20 direction

and each of them is maybe 2

we can even put it at the least amount

of money which is a thousand dollar

so 2010 times a thousand is already 2

000 dollars that's two million shilling


that's if you are a beginner and yo

have manage

to put yourself in that strategies


where you can sell thi

so don't get cheated again u

when you start your blog it's all abou

dedication don't be like m

blogging today then for me it was 

hobby blog i never knew that you can

actually make money with a blog 


that journey in 2015. i never understood

it so i started researching i threw through


closed them continued blogging once 

week or maybe once a month or once 


and transported back to 2017 the trend

went again 

but i started becoming a little bi

serious on learning or understanding

whatever i had learned back in 201

so if you are starting and this blog wa

started in 201

june 2013 so this one was the eighth 


So if you want to make money asap i

three months ,in six months, in 12 month

in two years or in one and a half year

kindly follow the strategies that we are

going to outline in these 

videos so that you do not treat you

blog as a hobby

but as a business .See you again in the


video if you still have any question about 

this one we are going to talk in 

depth about them so that you don't get

confused and you see

when i go in depth on any topic i become

more organized so after finishing this 

one about blogging we can talk about 

affiliate marketing,

selling e-courses you know 

let's go on the next topic which is how 

to start a blog.

are going to talk in

depth about them so that you don't get

confused and you see

when i go in depth on any topic i become

more organized so after finishing this

one about blogging we can talk about

affiliate marketing

selling e-courses you know so

let's go on the next topic which is how

to start a blog




 The holy spirit said to me 2008 is the year of kingdom influence.Everybody say influence, this is in my heart like a loaded gun,this is the...